President Uhuru Kenyatta has said the government will extend the National Hygiene Programme dubbed Kazi Mtaani which was supposed to end in March this year.

Speaking on Friday when he commissioned Kayole Hospital Uhuru said everywhere he goes, the youth have told him they would like the programme to continue hence the decision to extend it.

“I was in Uthiru, Kiamaiko and other places and the youths have told me they want Kazi Mtaani extended so that they can continue working and serving their nation, I will extend it,” he said.

The programme which is under the State Department of Housing and Urban Development was to end on March 4 after being extended for another one month.

Uhuru initiated the programme last year to provide social protection for workers whose prospects for daily or casual work had been disrupted by the containment policies put in place to limit the spread of Covid-19.

Beneficiaries are paid a weekly stipend of Sh1,000 by the government through M-Pesa.

President Uhuru Kenyatta in Uthiru on February 12, 2021. [Jonah Onyango, Standard]

Campaigning for BBI

President Uhuru hailed Nairobi MCAs for unanimously passing the Constitution Amendment, 2020 Bill.

Uhuru said the 114 MCAs confirmed to the nation that indeed Nairobi is behind the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

“The MCAs confirmed that indeed Nairobi residents want funds in their wards and want more constituencies for representation,” said Uhuru.

Huge crowds met the president wherever he went. [PSCU]

He urged Kenyans to support the quest to amend the Constitution, adding that BBI is for the benefit of Kenyans.

The Head of States told Kenyans not to allow politicians to divide them saying it is only through unity that the country will realise development.

He hit out at politicians for preaching divisive politics, saying such politics is not good for the country.

President Uhuru praised the Handshake between him and ODM leader Raila Odinga saying since March 9, 2018, the country has been peaceful and united.

“Kenyans now walk together, eat together, work together and that has been my quest, to have a united country,” he said.

Uhuru said unlike before the handshake when leaders were insulting each other, the country is peaceful and Kenyans are going on with their activities.

 “If not handshake your MP (Babu Owino) will be insulting me now, but thing have changed for the better,” he said.

Nairobi County Assembly on Thursday endorsed the Constitution Amendment, 2020 Bill.

The Bill was backed by 114 MCAs who voted to approve the bill in the evening session chaired by Speaker Benson Mutura.