The process of removing Migori Governor Okoth Obado (pictured) from office begins tomorrow.

The motion is expected to be among the agenda for Members of the County Assembly, who will be resuming sittings after a month recess. 

Majority Leader Ken Ouma confirmed he will seek to have the impeachment motion in the order paper.

He, however, declined to disclose the grounds on which the impeachment bid is premised.

“If I discuss the grounds for impeachment, we will not move forward,” he said.

He said his office was working on having a water-tight case to ensure the impeachment is a success.

The tabling of the motion comes amid tensions which have seen two opposing camps emerge.

The tensions began soon after the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) sanctioned Obado’s removal from office.

Mr Ouma yesterday dismissed claims that the Orange Party had infiltrated the process, saying the assembly is independently doing its work.

“It only happens that the party’s ideals coincided with what the members stand for. There is no external pressure in this process,” he said.

Mcas flee homes

Obado was last week, together with his four children, slapped with corruption charges over alleged embezzlement of Sh73 million.

He was, however, released on cash bail ahead of the commencement of the hearing.

The law on impeachment of a governor requires the approvals of a third of MCAs in order for the motion to move to the debating stage.

The assembly, however, risks failing to raise the quorum following reports that a number of MCAs have been forced to flee their homes after threats and intimidation from ODM.

Some of the MCAs have been reported to be in Kisumu, Kisii and Nairobi, strategising on the matter.

Speaker Boaz Okoth came out to claim his life was in danger after goons raided his Kisumu home.

He claimed that on Friday night, unknown people stormed his house but were repulsed by his security officers before he escaped using a different gate.

He accused senior ODM officials, including Secretary General Edwin Sifuna, of being behind the alleged attack.

The governor and his allies believe he is a victim of witchhunt and that ODM is out to settle political scores.