Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi at a past media briefing. He has challenged President Kenyatta to make public his stand on the issue of Prime Minister. [File, Standard]

Leaders have reacted angrily to Kandara MP Alice Wahome’s remarks on President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Women leaders from Nairobi led by branch chair of Maendeleo ya Wanawake Betty Miyandazi demanded an apology from Wahome, saying she had essentially insulted the Head of State.

“We, women leaders, will not allow skewed political bickering to derail Kenya’s development. We stand with the President on his Big Four Agenda and all other initiatives that hold promise for a better Kenya,” said Miyandazi.

In Meru County, Trade Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya said Wahome’s sentiments will not stop the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) juggernaut.

“She spoke a lot but came out as clueless. No right thinking Kenyan can afford to oppose an attempt to create a politically inclusive nation,” he said.

In Murang’a, Deputy Governor Maina Kamau and former MP Elias Mbau reiterated Woman Representative Sabina Chege’s remarks that Wahome was disrespectful. “We are behind Uhuru,” said the deputy governor.

In Murang’a, Deputy Governor Maina Mbau who led a team of MCAs, accused Wahome of showing open disrespect to the President. Kamau and former MP Elias Mbau urged the MP to concentrate her energies in addressing the needs of her constituency.

“The people of Kandara condemn the MP’s sentiments. We are not part of what she said. We are behind Uhuru,”said the Deputy Governor. In Meru, Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya said Wahome’s sentiments would not stop the BBI train.

However in Eldoret, Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi challenged President Kenyatta to make public his stand on the issue of Prime Minister. “I wish the President comes out and speaks for himself on this issue of clinching to power because we know the people purporting to speak for him have not even been talking directly with the President in recent days,” Mr Sudi said. He also urged Uhuru to address the weakening economy and asked Kenyans to pray for the President to get himself out of what he described as capture by political brokers. 

“Several Central Kenya leaders who speak their minds are now being set up by some powerful power brokers for trumped up charges. We in Rift Valley will not be cowed,” said Mr Sudi.