It appears there are many killjoys in our midst who won't acknowledge anything good coming out of State House, so Prezzo's diehard supporters have developed a generic response to all criticism: Prezzo Bill Ruto knows what he's doing.

I am inclined to agree with them. Indeed, Prezzo knows what he's doing. That's why he's reportedly sending our boys in blue to Haiti because we resemble Haitians. We're all black, after all, even when the gangs in Port-au-Prince speak Creole, Kenyans on patrol will read their lips and use sign language to clear them off the streets.

So, when Prezzo led the nation in planting trees earlier in the week-having lifted the ban on logging only months ago, apparently because wood merchants had been suffering for four years-one can affirm Prezzo knows what he's doing. The loggers are simply cutting trees to pave the way for the new seedlings.

Using the same analogy, many questioned the rationale of declaring a national day for tree planting, wondering how long it takes to plant a seedling.

Well, since those of us in the jua kali sector plant seeds every time we consume a fruit, we shouldn't think the same holds for many urban dwellers.

There are those who need to plan some logistics and go back to the villages from whence they came from, hoping a transport allowance was facilitated. I hear those who reported to chiefs' camp asking for seedlings that the government had said would be availed for free received calm responses from chiefs. They simply smiled and asked: "Yaani, you people believed you'd get the seedlings?"