Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi. [File, Standard]

MaDvD says infant coffee takes two years to brew, so Kenyans must be stay calm

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, aka MaDvD has admonished Kenyans to be patient as the Kenya Kwanza administration seeks to fix the economy. MaDvD says Kenyans shouldn't expect a quick fix, like making "instant coffee."

This is a sophisticated analogy; MaDvD needs to know hustlers don't take instant coffee. They take strungi, which doesn't take an instant to boil. The tea must be given time to boil and flavour.

And if MaDvD's idea of relaxation is instant coffee, he should remember strungi is the main meal for a majority of Kenyans. It washes down cold ugali, a leftover from the previous night.

MaDvD claims a full recovery of the economy can only be possible after two years. And in any case, he added, nobody knows how long the Russia-Ukraine conflict could last. So, we don't know the basis of his two-year projection, or even why we should trust his pronouncement.

After all, if he and his colleagues at Kenya Kwanza keep shifting the date of delivery of their election pledges, what's to prevent them from doing this repeatedly, until the five years are up?

Mark you, are they pushing forward the delivery date to afford comfort for themselves and their spouses?

Maybe that shouldn't worry us too much; what's more worrying is their adoption of their predecessors' policies on borrowing-yet another hinderance blamed on their deferred delivery dates.

I hear Prezzo Bill Ruto has borrowed more than Prezzo UK in his first six months in power, even after promising he would not burden hustlers any further debts. And MaDvD is now blaming the Russia-Ukraine conflict for the rising cost of living.

This is a major policy shift as Kenya Kwanza did not factor the war in eastern Europe as an impediment to the national economy. That's why they spelled out specific, concrete plans, with solid timelines, for the restoration of the economy. Or did they?