A young William Ruto, January 1993. [File, Standard]

Who would have thought a person with humble beginnings would lead our nation as the fifth president? Who would have thought a man born from Kamugut Village, Sugoi, whose father has zero page of history would be the president?

Who would have thought a "chicken seller" would be the commander in chief of the Kenya Defence Forces? Who would have thought a man with no support for the regime he tirelessly supported and later turned against him would win the presidency?

President William Ruto defied all odds and won.

This is for sure a story of hope for the generations to come. A story of overcoming adversities and persevering against doubt to win.

Many years ago, Dr Martin Luther King Jr prophesied about a day he saw he had been to the mountain top and seen the promised land and that, "we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land." On this day, we can see the promised land of hope, inspiration and opportunity. We have reached a point in our nation where any child - regardless of tribe, social class, gender - can dream to lead our nation as a president or in any other capacity.

The inauguration of Dr Ruto as Kenya's fifth president means a new dawn for the young leaders who dream that one day, they will lead our country. This inauguration is a celebration of Kenyan democracy. It demonstrates to the entire world that Kenyan democracy is maturing. It also shows that, despite political differences and affiliations, Kenyan people are one.

It is evident that Kenyans in the Diaspora will be part of the inauguration celebration as they equally participated in the elections and support immensely the country's economy through remittances. The foreign policy and diaspora manifesto that is set to be implemented by the president will bring more investment into the country. On this day, many Kenyans in the diaspora will follow live on mainstream media and online platforms. It is a moment no one will be left behind.

As we usher in the new government, there is a lot that needs to be done. Our country's economy is in limbo, unemployment, debt, incomplete projects, corruption, weaponisation of institutions, State capture, and an education system (CBC) that is draining parents' pockets. It is the time for the president to work and bring back the glory of good times we all aspire to have as a nation.

Campaign season is over, it's time to work. However, the president has promised to work in tandem with the opposition to grow our democracy. For any successful government, there must be checks and balances and Parliament must hold the president to account for the promises he has made to the nation. His promises on ending corruption, improving healthcare, agriculture, housing, manufacturing and education are a combo package Kenyans are waiting on.

Yes, the country is politically divided and it's time to heal. Let's all ignore partisan differences and focus on solutions for our country. The president needs me and you to work and grow our country. God is the one who chooses leaders and now we have one to lead us for the next five years. Let us embrace our neighbours regardless of who they voted for as we can prevail together when united than divided. Hustlers came together and voted for their fellow hustler and this unity is possible even in our neighbourhoods.

Today, I ask all Kenyans to celebrate the fact that we live in the best country where we choose our leaders and the next day, we work hard. Let us celebrate democracy, togetherness and peace. Let us celebrate our constitutional institutions that are led by men and women who midwife our democracy.

To me, this inauguration is not just a celebration of my fellow hustler President William Samoei Ruto. It is a celebration of how far our country has come and where we are headed. A country every Kenyan is proud of. I celebrate hope, prosperity and peace of our beloved country.

Let us celebrate democracy!