Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol. [Isaiah Gwengi, Standard]

Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol's fate now lies in the hands of the Orange party's national office after the local branch resolved to expel him.

This comes as he prepares to face the county assembly expected to deliberate on his impeachment motions today.

Siaya ODM delegates also resolved that Oduol tender his resignation due to what they termed as being disrespectful to Governor James Orengo.

The delegates pointed out that elected or appointed officials in the government are expected to act within the confines of the party rules.

"The committee therefore unanimously resolved that the deputy governor be compelled to resign from his position, since he no longer subscribes to the aspirations of the party," read a statement by ODM Siaya County Coordinating Committee.

Committee chairman George Okanda claimed that some party officials were deemed to be working in cahoots with UDA, adding that ODM no longer recognises them as its members.

East Asembo MCA Gordon Onguru's notice motion for the impeachment of Oduol is one of the issues to be tackled by the Members of the County Assembly.

Onguru accused Oduol of having a poor relationship with his boss, which they said is not good for the running of the county.

Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda, who spoke to The Standard on the phone, said the noise in the county was not healthy for any meaningful development.

Ochanda challenged the governor to take a different approach to the issue, saying things might turn against the governor and MCAs.

"The assembly might succeed in impeaching Oduol, but the Senate can save him. This is risky because somebody might pick the evidence presented to Senate and file a case against the governor," said Ochanda