Wajir Deputy Governor Ahmed Muhumed with DCC Diif Sub-County Evans Nyaberi during the International Day of Peace celebrations. [Mohamed Saman, Standard]

Wajir Deputy Governor Ahmed Muhumed on Thursday led the county in honouring the United Nations-sanctioned International Day of Peace.

Celebrated annually on September 21, the day provides a 'globally shared date for all humanity to commit to peace, above all differences, and to contribute to building a culture of peaceful conflict resolution'.

Muhumed, who presided over the International Day of Peace -Wajir Chapter, an event that was attended by peace organisations including Wajir Peace Agency, APID, Worthy Vision and the Red Cross, among others, said peace is a collective effort.

"We call upon the National Government whose mandate includes the protection of people and their properties to increase its footprint on the ground to enhance access to security services by the public", said Muhumed.

Abdi Billow, a peace actor in Wajir County, said that the date was critical as it came at a time when Northern Kenya was facing rising conflicts, particularly clan wrangles and violent extremism.

Billow urged the communities to live together in peace and harmony. "Peace comes from within; don't look for it outside," said Billow.

The event, which also brought together eminent clan elders and community members, served as a platform to recognize individuals and collective efforts aiding in fostering peace amongst the communities in the area.