Protesters in Kisumu. [Collins Oduor]

Security has been heightened in various parts of the country ahead of the planned Saba Saba rally by the Azimio la Umoja coalition.

Back to sender: An Azimio la Umoja supporter picks a teargas canister before hurling it back to the police during Saba Saba protests on July 7, 2023. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard]

Migori Woman Representative Fatuma Mohamed led the Azimio demonstration in Migori before they were dispersed by the police. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard]

Police officers in Migori ahead of Saba Saba protests called by opposition leader Raila Odinga over punitive taxes and high cost of living. [Kaleb Kingwara, Standard]

Several roadblocks have been mounted at strategic points to take action on the protesters who will attempt to access the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD).

Migori Woman Representative Fatuma Mohamed (centre) during the Azimio la Umoja demonstrations in Migori on Friday. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard]

Empty parking lots in Nairobi CBD.[Wilberforce Okwiri, Standard]

In Kisumu, residents began the anti-government protests along major roads, chanting and raising placards against the high cost of living.

Back to sender: An Azimio la Umoja supporter picks a teargas canister before hurling it back to the police during the Saba Saba protests on July 7, 2023. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard]

Demonstrators in Kondele. [Clinton Ambujo, Standard]

An overview of the Kisumu CBD showed business premises shut for fear of incurring losses.

Businesses were closed in Kisumu due to protests. [Clinton Ambujo, Standard]

The situation in Bondo town is similar to the neighbouring Kisumu and Homabay towns as residents join the protests.

Protesters light bonfires in Homa Bay town. [James Omoro, Standard]

It is not any different in Bondo town, Siaya, as businesses remain closed with a few shops opening in the midst of the protests.

Bonfire lit in Bondo town. [Isaiah Gwengi, Standard].

By 9.30 am, Mombasa residents were out in the streets to join other demonstrators in different parts of the country.

Police were forced to lob teargas canisters to disperse protesters who rendered the roads impassable.

Police disperse protesters in Migori.[Caleb Kingwara]
Police officers clear Kisii-Kilgoris road after protesters blocked it. [Sammy Omingo, Standard]
Nairobi CBD is calm as hawkers are seen selling clothes along Tom Mboya Street. (Wilberforce Okwiri)

However, there are some parts of the country that have remained calm and free from the protests including Kitale and Murang'a towns.

Business activities in Kitale town are ongoing.[Osinde Obare, Standard]