President William Ruto addressing the media during an event on May 3, 2023. [Boniface Okendo, Standard]

President William Ruto has terminated the appointment of Dr Josephine Mburu as the Principal Secretary, State Department for Public Health and Professional Standards.

The termination has been made following complaints of corruption and mismanagement at the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA).

Additionally, the president has revoked the appointment of KEMSA chairperson and members of the Board of Directors.

KEMSA CEO Terry Ramadhani alongside other Ministry of Health staff (Martin Wamwea, Lenson Kariuki, Dr Pauline Duya, Livingstone Njuguna, Dr Charles Kariuki, Justus Kinoti, Cosmas Rotich and Anthony Chege) have been suspended.

A statement by State House Chief of Staff Felix Kosgei reads;

"His excellency has been briefed on the complaints of alleged impropriety within the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) in its management and administration of various medical programmes being undertaken in conjunction with our development partners.

"The complaints follow the regular verification of expenditure by the Global Fund with regard to the National Malaria Programme that targets millions of low income Kenyan households within our nation's malaria endemic regions."

President Ruto has reiterated that his administration will spare no effort in rebuilding the KEMSA supply chain management system so as to secure efficiency and accountability in the provision of medical supplies.