Jane Gatwiri, the mother of security expert Mwenda Mbijjiwe at her home in Sirimon, Buuri in Meru County.[Phares Mutembei,Standard]

The parents of security consultant Mwenda Mbijjiwe who disappeared on June 12 have sought the help of the international community to locate the missing man.

This is even as the mystery of his disappearance deepened after the family claimed they had news he was alive, at an unknown location.

Speaking at their home in Meru on Saturday, Jane Gatwiri and Stephen Nkonge, said they had known no peace since Mbijjiwe, 43, went missing despite assurance from the Kenya Police Service that they were investigating the incident.

“We have received reports that our son Mbijjiwe is very much alive. Therefore, as a family, we are requesting the Government to speed up their investigation and let us know his whereabouts,” she said.

She did not elaborate on the source of the information.

Nkonge said they had hit a brick wall in the three-week search for their son, and are now appealing to the US, Israel, and other nations with the capacity to trace him.

“Mbijjiwe is not your ordinary person who can just disappear. He is known at national and international levels. If the (Kenyan) government has been unable to track him they should seek help elsewhere,” he stated.

 [Phares Mutembei]