Nairobi Senator and UDA governor candidate Johnson Sakaja has promised to implement a school feeding programme for all public primary schools in the city.
Mr Sakaja said he was saddened by the number of children who cannot afford a square meal at home, which affects their concentration and ability to learn.
The governor candidate was speaking at the African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa (AIPCA) in Dandora where he attended a Sunday service. He was accompanied by his running mate Njoroge Muchiri.
Mr Sakaja also pledged to disburse Sh50 million per year to each of the 85 wards in Nairobi to facilitate small businesses.
“Nairobi’s budget is over Sh35 billion every year and it cannot be impossible to allocate some of this money to promote mama mboga and other small traders in the spirit of the UDA bottom-up philosophy,” he said.
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Mr Sakaja also pledged to make the construction of a recycling plant at the Dandora dumpsite a priority for his administration.
The senator urged Nairobi residents to shun tribalism and not to consider any political candidate based on ethnic considerations.
The potholes in Nairobi do not affect Luos only, uncollected garbage is not a problem of Kikuyus only, insecurity does not affect Somalis only. We should elect leaders who have the interests of Nairobians at heart, not someone from our tribe,” he said.