Police attribute reduced crime rate to regular reshuffles and crackdown on rogue cops. [File, Standard]

Police say the rate of crime in Nairobi’s central business district and estates has reduced significantly.

Speaking to The Standard, several police officers in the city said cases of robbery, muggings and break-ins had reduced in the last two months.

“We’re only processing suspects arrested for petty offences,” Lang’ata Sub-County Police Commander Benjamin Mwanthi said.

“Most of the people that we detain in our cells are drunkards, who upon sobering up in the morning are freed,” he said.

Kayole, Dandora, Umoja, among other estates in Eastlands have also registered a significant drop in the number of theft and robbery reports.

A look at the records in several police stations’ OB books showed a reduced number of robbery and theft reports.

Buruburu, Parklands and Kamukunji posts also registered fewer armed crime cases.

Kayole Sub-County Police Commander Paul Wambugu said: “We have increased our night patrols, of late. I believe that has contributed to the reduced crime numbers.”

A source working at Vigilance House, who spoke on condition of anonymity, attributed the reduced crime rate to the regular transfers and reshuffles conducted by the Inspector-General of Police Hillary Mutyambai.

On January 28, at least 29 sub-county police commanders were moved to different stations.

The transfer of Starehe police boss Adamson Bungei was the most notable in the latest transfers. Bungei switched stations with Turkana Central’s David Baariu.

Police also attribute the reduced crime rate to a crackdown on rogue colleagues, who conspire with criminals to conduct robberies and thefts in the city.

On February 13 alone, eight police officers were arrested in the city for alleged involvement in a spate of criminal activities, including soliciting bribe from liquor store operators in Buruburu.

Other cases involved robbery with violence, in which four police officers were accused of robbing a man out of his Sh310,000 in South C.