OCS Isaack Mugoya (right) with his deputy Elisha Mwaniki at ACK Trinity Church, Kianjokoma. September 26, 2021. [Muriithi Mugo, Standard]

In an unexpected gesture, residents of Kianjokoma congregated at a church service yesterday to welcome the new police officers posted to the local station.

The service created an opportunity to build a rapport with the community after months of push and pull following the death of two brothers.

The residents welcomed the officers to the ACK Trinity Church, Kianjokoma, prayed for them and donated two seats for the OCS and his deputy.

Reverend Isaiah Njagi, who presided over the service, observed that the chairs at the station were not in good condition.

"We want to provide a better working environment for our officers to be able to serve our people better," Rev Njagi said.

Rev Njagi challenged residents of Kianjokoma to respect the authorities. "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, abide by the law and you will not collide with the law enforcers." 

He cautioned the residents to avoid engaging in drug trafficking and consuming illicit brews, adding that it would minimise confrontations and create a partnership with the officers.

OCS Isaak Mugoya, left, assured residents that his office was open at all times to serve the community better. [Muriithi Mugo, Standard]

The faithful, who were very optimistic about turning a new leaf, said the new police station would help their businesses thrive.

"The police are human beings and therefore should be treated so. If we make their work hard, they will be stressed. Pray for them as they undertake their duties and that God gives them strength," Njagi said.

Njagi further challenged the new officers to treat residents with dignity.

"Kindly approach situations with dignity where possible. Not all situations require the use of force. Be fair and treat us well and we will bring pastoral to your doorstep and even bring some foods to share," he added.

The new officers were also encouraged to speak out, go to church and engage the community whenever they encountered problems in their day to day activities.

"We know you have gone under tough terrains and that God has protected you. Kindly remember to thank God by tithing," he said.

Reverend Isaiah Njagi (right) presided over the service. [Muriithi Mugo, Standard]

The officers asked the community to cooperate and support their work to combat crime.

Isaak Mugoya, the new OCS Kianjokoma, assured the residents that his office was open at all times to serve the community better.

"Pray for us and work with us. Let Kianjokoma be known not for the deaths, crime and the other challenges, but a peaceful Kianjokoma," pleaded Mugoya.

Mugoya reiterated that the officers were deployed at the station for security. He noted that he would lead his officers to be fair while executing their mandate.