Ambassador Martin Kimani, Kenya's Permanent representative to the UN while delivering his maiden speech as Kenya took its seat at the UNSC for two years on January 4, 2020. [Courtesy, Standard]

Kenya has said it will champion regional issues after taking its seat at the United Nations Security Council for a two-year term.

Speaking during the installation of the country’s flag at the UN headquarters in New York on Monday evening, Permanent Representative Martin Kimani said Kenya “will work daily to ensure we live in a peaceful and secure region and in a global order that is respectful of our sovereignty”.

Ambassador Kimani added that the country’s mission in the global decision-making body “will reflect out patriotism, dignity and ambition to build a fairer and prosperous world”.

Speak up

“We will listen. We will speak up boldly for Africa, for smaller developing states, for the global south and for all countries great and small,” said Kimani, while delivering his maiden speech.

He continued, “Kenya will be an advocate for local and regional solutions. We will promote meaningful engagements between the council and countries’ concerns as well as results-oriented solutions with regional and sub-regional actors.”

The ambassador said Kenya looks forward to working with Niger, Tunisia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to be a building block with the Africa Union (AU) and African people all over the world.

“To the people of Kenya, wananchi and wenye nchi, our mission to the SC will abide with our Constitution,” he said.

Global peace

Kimani acknowledged the honour bestowed on Kenya by its global partners, saying it affirmed the confidence they had in the country.

“We are profoundly conscientious of the urgency at this moment, which is working to strengthen bilateralism that serves the interest of our people in the council thus being an effective guidance of global peace.”

Magzahan IIyassov, the Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan, initiated the flag installation ceremony for new members Kenya, India, Ireland, Mexico and Norway, as he reflected on the challenges of 2020 and impact on UNSC agenda.

The diplomat also paid special tribute to the scientists who dedicated their efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic and develop vaccines.