Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Sunday rescued two minors who were stolen yesterday from Nairobi and arrested a suspect at Busia border. 

The children aged eight and four were stolen at their City estate house on Saturday while under the custody of 32-year-old Scovia Namataka.

Coordinated efforts between Buruburu’s detectives and their counterparts at Busia border led to the interception of Namataka with the minors while in a Kampala-bound bus.

The house help reportedly escaped with the minors when their parents travel to Meru for a funeral.

“Preliminary investigations revealed that the offence was committed while the children's parents had travelled to Meru to attend a kin’s burial,” said detectives.

The suspect is in lawful custody awaiting arraignment.

This is not the first time minors are stolen by Ugandan house helps from Nairobi.

Late last year, a two-year-old child was stolen from Buruburu, Nairobi by a Ugandan maid before being intercepted at the Busia border being driven to Uganda.