Governor Anyang' Nyong'o (right) walks to a waiting ambulance at Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu yesterday. He has been referred to Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi for further treatment. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Kisumu Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o, who was admitted to Aga Khan Hospital on Saturday, has been transferred to a hospital in Nairobi.

Doctors at Aga Khan recommended the transfer, although they said the governor's condition had improved.

Yesterday, Prof Nyong’o walked to a parked ambulance unaided. He was accompanied by his wife Dorothy and Deputy Governor Mathews Owili.

As he boarded the ambulance, the governor signaled journalists to stop taking photos of him.

He was driven to the Kisumu International Airport and later flown to Aga Khan University Hospital in Nairobi.

Stable condition

Sam Oula, the Medical Director at Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu, oversaw the transfer. He told The Standard Nyong’o was in stable condition and that he had improved.

Dr Oula said the governor had been taken to the facility after complaining of dizziness. “He has been doing well since then and is stable, but he is being transferred to Aga Khan University Hospital for further assessments,” said Oula.

A family source said they requested that the governor be transferred from Kisumu to give him time to rest since he was receiving too many visitors.

On Saturday, doctors at the hospital confirmed that Nyong’o had been taken to the Intensive Care Unit after being admitted at around 11:30am.

The governor fell ill while attending the installation of new Kisumu Archbishop Phillip Anyolo at Uzima University.

He had sat on the front row, with Deputy President William Ruto, Opposition leader Raila Odinga and Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang'ula.

“He started sweating and was looking restless. He asked for water, which he was given. He then asked to go to the washroom, and we immediately knew he was unwell,” said a source, who sat a few seats behind the governor.

After realising the governor was unwell, Mr Wetan'gula is said to have requested his aides to administer first aid. The senator's bodyguards then took Nyong'o to hospital.

“It is good they arrived here in time. He was rushed to the ICU and quickly stabilised,” said the medic, who referred us to the hospital’s administration for further details.

A source said Nyong'o might have fallen ill due to exhaustion, after spending a busy day in Kisii on Friday.

“He had a busy day on Friday attending the Lake Region Economic Bloc Summit in Kisii,” said the source.

Yesterday, Kericho Governor Paul Chepkwony wished Nyong’o quick recovery.