A philosopher once said that the death that will finally kill a man definitely begins as an appetite. Am glued on my television as I monitor the unfolding scenario from Robert Mugabe's capital Harare. There is confusion from an alleged coup by the military there.

The genesis of the entire problem can entirely be blamed on one woman- Grace Mugabe. Her actions will definitely bring down one of Africa's great hero of struggle, Robert Mugabe. Like Delilah of the Bible, Grace Mugabe has used her charm and beauty to misguide the octogenarian Mugabe in a bid to grab power after his demise. Yet the truth be told; Grace will bring down old Mugabe and will finally soil his revolutionary credentials.

We have seen Mugabe's peers in the struggle coming out from the barracks to defend the revolution. Let me be crystal clear. I support the great soldiers who are out to tame the greed of Delilah. Our fathers have warned us time and again to be wary of the charms of our wily women.

When a woman advises you, seek a second opinion from the nearest man close to you. The genesis of the problem is recorded in the holy writ. In the very beginning, it is Eve who discovers the sweetness of the fruit. She soon rushes to misadvise Adam to take it against God's will. The result? Adam finds himself naked and out of God's favor! My brother, I remind you again. The death that will kill you will begin as an appetite.