Have you ever walked into someone's home or seen one on the internet that just looks expensive? You might even have similar wallpaper or decor pieces but somehow, you haven't managed to pull off the same classy look?
For sure, there is an art to having a beautiful home. And the good thing is that it's not about spending a lot of money because it's possible for small, cozy homes to look expensive and for large pricey, homes to look cheap.
So what's the secret? This list will give you some amazing tips you can copy and paste onto your own home for a chic, classy aesthetic.
Paint your walls neutral colors
Bight colors like green, yellow and red can bring some excitement to your home. Color does add some vibrancy to a space so it's not always a bad thing.
However, you don't often see classy homes with bright walls. That is because neutrals will always work best if your goal is to make your space look like a million bucks.
The most recommended colors are shades of white. Such neutral colors never run out of style so it also makes sense budget-wise.
Add some classy decor
Decor is like the cherry on top of any space. You need them to make your house feel more inviting and elegant.
But the thing is, you have to be very picky when choosing what to add because cheap-looking ornaments could ruin everything. As you choose, just remember if it's bright or has too much going on, it probably doesn't look expensive.
And in case you have too much decor all over the place, reduce the number so you can make your house look better.
Polish everything
Expensive-looking homes never have dull surfaces unless it's part of the design. Polishing up just makes your space look cleaner and newer, so you should try this too.
Plan to buy polish or varnish for your floors, windows, furniture and everything else that can be polished including your taps.
This small change can eliminate that worn-out look from your home which is key for a luxurious feel.
Have a similar theme throughout
Cheap-looking spaces have one thing in common, they have no theme going on. Everything from the dishes to the decor will be worlds apart, and that doesn't help at all.
To have the home of your dreams you have to put in the effort even if it means choosing items that match. An example is having dishes that match, instead of choosing random colors and even white, black or wooden hangers instead of brightly colored ones, to create some harmonious flow.
Practice minimalism
A mindset of minimalism helps you resist the urge to buy more stuff. And the more items you have, the more cleaning and maintenance you'll have to do.
Classy homes don't often have an excess amount of items that overwhelm the storage space. Once you incorporate the discipline of minimalism, you'll have an easier time keeping your place organized and maintaining that expensive look.