Since the chairman of the defunct Electoral Commission of Kenya Samuel Kivuitu was sent packing he has maintained a deafening silence. Interestingly, he laments he has not got audience with President Kibaki.

Kivuitu should take the chance to spill the beans on what happened during the tallying of presidential votes in the 2007 General Election.

Job Nyangenya, US.

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The excuses Kivuitu gave cannot absolve him of blame over the election fiasco. If he were genuine, Kivuitu should have spoken when the nation wanted the information most. It is too late for Kivuitu to open up now. Or is he seeking sympathy now that President Kibaki no longer answers his courtesy calls?

JK Owuor, Kisumu.

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Kivuitu should shut up about the 2007 bungled presidential election. He should stop crying foul because he lost precious opportunity to make things right and cleanse his name.

Fidelis Kavinya, Tharaka.

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Kenyans should not listen to Kivuitu’s crap now that Kibaki has ‘dumped’ him. His confessions should actually be used as evidence against him in a court of law.

And now, former Justice Minister Martha Karua should also tell us her own version of the story about the bungled election.

Concerned Kenyan.