Inspector of Police Joseph Boinet (left) looks on as Interior and National Coordination Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi (right) addresses journalists at the Coast Regional Co-ordinator's Uhuru na Kazi building, January 08, 2019. [Gideon Maundu/Standard]

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i made changes in his ministry affecting top secretaries and redeployed Regional Commissioners (RC) and County Commissioners in changes aimed at enhancing service delivery.

Matiang’i said it is necessary that they strengthen and enhance the ministry leadership teams both at the headquarters and in the field.

Missing in the top leadership list he named include secretary for internal Security Amos Gathecha, Coast RC Bernard Leparmarai and secretary for national administration Athur Osiya.

The changes are the second ones to be effected by the CS since he took the full charge of the Interior docket.

It is not clear on where they will be taken but there were speculations they may be appointed elsewhere.

In the new line up, Matiang’i promoted and named Nairobi Regional Commissioner William Kangethe as the principal administrative secretary in the ministry and Eastern Regional Commissioner Wycliffe Ogallo to be secretary for national administration, Nyanza Regional Commissioner Moffat Kangi to be secretary for internal security and Peter Thuku- Secretary Peace Building and conflict management.

Meru County Commissioner Wilfred Nyagwanga was promoted to be Central Regional Commissioner, James Kianda new RC for Nyanza, Amos Mariba County Commissioner for Nyamira while Wilson Njega was moved and named the RC for Nairobi. Mohamed Saleh is new secretary for liaison at the ministry headquarters, Anne Ngetich remains in Western as the Regional Commander.

Muranga County Commissioner John Elungata was named the RC for Coast while Isaiah Nakoru was promoted from Nyamira County and named RC Eastern, Mohamed Birik remained RC North Eastern and Nyahururu deputy County Commissioner Flora Mworoa County Commissioner for Nairobi.

Most of the county commissioners remained in their positions in the new changes announced on Wednesday.

The former provincial administration was restructured to accommodate the new commissioners.

This followed the ushering of the 2010 constitution. The RCs replaced Provincial Commissioners in the new dispensation. They chair and coordinate national government issues in their regions including security matters.

National Administration is one of the Departments in the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government with a staff compliment of 12,575 which includes eight Regional Coordinators, 47 County Commissioners, 289 Deputy County Commissioners, 831 Assistant County Commissioners, 3,256 Chiefs and 8,145 Assistant Chiefs.