Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission Chairman Eliud Wabukala

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has introduced a bible study guide in a bid to fight corruption in the country.

The EACC, led by its Chairman Eliud Wabukala, Deputy CEO Michael Mubea and Commissioner Rose Macharia in collaboration with the Inter-religious sector, unveiled the Bible study guide on Wednesday.

The Bible study Guide titled Integrity: A weapon against Corruption is open for individuals or groups that are dealing with various issues of corruption who want to understand God's position on matters related to corruption.

"The Bible Study Guide is intended to help Kenyans interact with the Bible and discover God's position on corruption and his direction on living a corruption free life,” tweeted the EACC.

The EACC is hopeful that this move will go a long way to guide Kenyans towards doing God's will; living a life that is void of corruption and other vices.

The Anti- corruption commission tweeted that “Every member of our society has an opportunity to contribute to the success of the war against corruption. Regardless of your status in the society, you can make a difference. The Bible Study Guide inspires us to act and to believe our country can be free from corruption."

In recent times, EACC has been tasked with the responsibility of investigating corruption allegations against high profile persons in Kenya. Among those facing graft charges are Nairobi ex-Governor Dr. Evans Kidero and Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong.