Activist Okiya Okoiti Omtata moves to court challenging the creation of new cabinet positions. [Photo by Chrispen Sechere/Standard]


Human Rights Activist Okiya Omtatah has moved to court challenging President Uhuru Kenyatta for the creation of Chief Administrative Secretary positions, arguing that it is unconstitutional.

In his application filed on Monday morning at the Milimani Law Courts, Omtatah cited lack of public participation in the decision to include CAS in assisting Cabinet secretaries with their mandate.

Omtatah therefore went ahead to sue President Uhuru Kenyatta, Attorney General Githu Muigai and Speaker of the National Assembly over the newly appointed CSs and ‘unwarranted positions’.

Omatatah argued that “the formation of the position of Chief Administrative Secretary in all government ministries in consultation with the Public service Commission is invalid, null and void.”

The activist has asked the court to quash the decision by President Uhuru Kenyatta and stop the speaker of the national assembly from receiving or considering the names of the nominees when forwarded to him.

On Friday when President Uhuru Kenyatta was announcing the list of Cabinet secretaries, he noted that “the chief administrative secretary would broadly be responsible for helping the cabinet secretary to better coordinate the running of the affairs of their respective ministers.”

In the event that the court upholds the case against the president and the attorney general, then the CAS will have no choice left but to pack and leave.