By Antony Gitonga

Nairobi, Kenya: The National Police Service Commission (NPSC) has announced plans to construct houses for all police officers in the country in a project to be carried out by National Housing Corporation.

The commission admitted that there was a housing crisis in the police force a move that was affecting service delivery.

According to Deputy Police commissioner Silas McOpiyo, construction of police houses in all counties was underway.

McOpiyo admitted that some officers were living in poor conditions adding that the government was committed to addressing this.

“We have started a pilot project in Ruai where the National Housing Corporation is constructing houses for police officers before the programme is rolled to other areas,” he said.

The deputy commissioner was speaking in Gilgil town when he opened the new OCPD office which was constructed by the area Constituency Development Fund (CDF) committee.

He praised the government for addressing the transport issue noting that 1,200 vehicles had already been leased from Toyota Kenya and distributed to various police stations.

On terror, the senior police officer called on Kenyans to embrace the ‘Nyumba Kumi’ initiative noting that the attacks could occur anywhere.

“Many people think that the attacks can occur only in the Coast, Nairobi and Garissa and they should report any suspicious cases to the police,” he said.

On his part, acting police regional coordinator Willy Lugusa praised the initiative by the area CDF saying that it would improve service delivery.

Lugusa said that ongoing co-operation between police and members of the public had seen crimes cases in the region drop significantly.

“This is a noble project and part of the ongoing community policing and the new office will help improve service delivery to the mwananchi,” he said.

Gilgil Mp Nderitu Mathenge who was present said that plans were underway to construct a children protection department in the area.

Mathenge expressed his concern over the poor living conditions of police officers saying that this was affecting their services.

He said that their houses were neglected and sanitation was poor adding that this was demoralizing the security officers.

“Despite the challenges we are happy with the work they are doing and we ask that they put more effort in fighting illicit brews in this area,” he said.