By Rose Kwamboka

Kenya: A superstition is a belief or way of behaving based on fear of the unknown and faith in magic or luck; a belief that certain events or things will bring good or bad luck.

The most common superstitions around the world also double up as popular sayings; for instance, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, cold hands, warm heart and a cat has nine lives.

Although in post modern society superstitions don’t have much of a place, for most of history they have a played a huge role in shaping culture and society.

 Whether they are old wives tales, urban legends, or just scary stories every group has their share of them but these are a few popular superstitions from around the world:

• Crossing your fingers or saying “fingers crossed” helps prevent bad luck and causes one wish to come true. The same applies to when you blow out all of the candles on your birthday cake with the first breath.

• 13 is an unlucky number. That is why many architects refuse to design stairs that end with 13 steps or buildings with a 13th floor. This fear is so real that an actual phobia called Triskaidekaphobia has been created to describe it.

The fear of the number 13 extends to Friday the 13th. Though its origin is shrouded in mystery, its impact is quite evident. Many people will purposely avoid doing anything significant like business meetings believing that the day is cursed and is a source of ill fortune.

• Most people have heard the saying that if a black cat crosses your path its bad luck. This superstition finds its origin in the middles ages due to the misconstrued belief that single, mostly elderly; women who associated themselves with many cats were actually witches who could become cats themselves.

•Saying ‘Bless you’ after someone sneezes is not only a gesture of politeness but a way of welcoming someone back to life as it is believed that when one sneezes, the soul leaves the body and the heart momentarily stops.

•An itchy right palm means money will come your way while an itchy left one means you will lose some money and make a trip if the bottom of your feet itches.

• If a bird defecates on you, your car or your property, it is a sign of good luck and brings you riches.