Mululu Primary School from Sabatia Constituency in Vihiga County had the top performing pupil with 432 marks, with over 10 others registering above 400.

Mululu Head Teacher Eboso Kihima said the top performer Nicholas Isahi had been a dedicated pupil throughout his studies.

"The good performance of our pupils is anchored on discipline that is a necessity at the school," said Mr Kihima.

Mudasa Academy, also from Vihiga County in Western Kenya, produced the second best pupil, Oleng Audo, who scored 427 marks.

Leading pupil

Last year, Mudasa Academy topped other schools and also produced the leading pupil in the county.

This came even as teachers from the county asked the Ministry of Education to come up with an alternative method of making sure that parents and pupils get to know their results as early as possible.

"The reasons the Cabinet Secretary gave for abolishing ranking are valid, but he failed to provide an alternative to make pupils feel that they undertook exams and have qualified to join the next stage," said Kihima.

Mudasa Academy Principal Velma Mudanyi said the system may not auger well in the long run as it will not inspire pupils to compete.