By Peter Kamuri

Which is the best time for updating your Curriculum Vitae (CV)? This is a common question many people ask. Although there is no clear-cut answer to this question, most career experts agree that it should be done regularly.

However, the beginning of the year is one perfect time to update your CV as this time provides you with an opportunity to reassess your career goals, especially when looking for a job that suits you well. Updating your CV at the beginning of the year is also important because there are employers and recruiters who search for suitable employees by considering the most recently updated CVs, by year of update.

Last year

This is the best time to look back at the year ending and consider what needs to be integrated in your CV. What special recognition did you get in the past year? Did you earn a promotion based on your abilities? What special responsibilities did you carry out?

Your CV’s objectives must be up to date all the time. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that it is updated all the time. The objectives you had last year may not be the same ones you have for the New Year. After all, a format that may have looked appropriate in past years may be outdated in and you may require another one in the New Year to go with the trends. Then how do you update it. You have to highlight your achievements, skills, interest and experience in the best way possible to attract the eye of the employer. If you are not sure about your writing skills, consider seeking assistance from experts. Look for professional writers and editors near you as they have experience in writing CVs and they know exactly what different companies are looking for.

Changing trends

When you write your CV, have somebody to read through it as this will help you significantly improve it. Mistakes like incorrect address and on occasions even misspelling your own name are not uncommon.

Having a good CV is a question of having it as current as possible. This means you have to think about the changing trends and skills by rewriting and editing it throughout the year.