I am sure you have seen them in many spaces - offices and houses- big ears and dark green.  Thanks to their beauty and bold look, Monstera Delicosa are one in door plants that dot many indoor spaces.

According to homestolove.com, Monstera Delicosa plant is native to tropical rainforests from southern Mexico to Panama so it favours a warm, humid environment, making it ideal for indoors.

The name Monstera may derive from the Latin monstrum, meaning monster, in reference to the leaves, but this is uncertain. The specific epithet, deliciosa, means delicious, which refers to the edible fruit.

In Kenya it is mostly grown indoors and outdoors on the verandah and balcony. A lot of people prefer it as a decoration due to the cheese like shape of its leaves.

According to Hosea Kipngetich a plant consultant at Irish Gardeners in lower kabete Nairobi: "They are quite happy indoors, and are rather hard to kill, they are notoriously tough given the right environment." He says.

Here's what you need to know if you're planning on adding a Monstera deliciosa to your indoor plant collection or if you already have one in need of a little care. 

Monstera Plant care

Kipngetich suggests placing your Monstera plant in a well–lit indoor spot, with plenty of room for it to grow.

“Water weekly or when it's looking dry, and polish leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust in order to unblock its pores and allow it to breathe and absorb moisture,” he says.

Monstera will do well in normal room humidity, but prefers humid conditions if possible. It performs well between 18 degrees celcius to 30 degrees celcius. It’s best not to let it go below 15 degrees celcius. 

When potting your Monstera, plant in well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes to prevent it from getting wet.

“You can use a standard good quality potting mix (67 per cent carbon and 33 per cent nitrogen) or premium compost for best results. Monstera is a climber in its natural habitat, using its aerial roots to cling to large trees, so you should provide it with some kind of stake or a trellis to support it,” says Kipngetich.

The plant typically outgrows its pot every two years. To promote growth, transplant to a new container a few inches larger in diameter and depth than the old one as required.

Water every two to three weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light.

Benefits of Monstera Plant

1. Fruit

The fruit of the Monstera deliciosa is edible when fully ripened. The fruit is nutrient-rich and contains vitamin C, vitamin B, phosphorous, potassium, and some proteins.

2. Air purifying

According to NASA’s clean air study, plants with large, broad leaves like Monstera can effectively remove certain toxins from the air.

While they might not remove every toxic particle floating around indoors, growing these types of plants in your home will help to remove some harmful substances from the air.

3. Ornamental

Despite their numerous benefits, monstera plants are probably most prized for their beauty and ornamental use. They grow easily indoors and add visual interest to any space. Due to the uniqueness of their leaves, they are also a popular subject replicated in art, textiles, and wallpaper used in fashion and interior design. 

4. Medicine and health

The roots of monstera plants have been used to make a remedy for snakebite. Parts of the plant have also been used as a topical treatment for arthritis.

All parts of monstera plants contain insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, which cause extreme irritation to the soft tissues inside and outside the body. Handling them without gloves results in irritated and swollen skin, and ingesting them will cause severe gastrointestinal upset.


Monsteras can be irritating to cats, dogs, and humans if foliage is consumed. Best practice is always to keep houseplants out of reach of small children and pets. 

Common Problems

The Monstera is an easy-going plant and is generally pest-free. Treat pests as soon as they appear with weekly sprays of a natural pesticide like neem oil and regular wipe-downs of the plant.  

Under watering the plant causes leaves to turn brown and crispy at the edges, eventually the plant will wilt. Fungal diseases are signified by brown spots on the leaves.

“You may remove affected leaves or use them as fungicide,” says Kipngetich.


Depending on where you are and the size that you want to grow, the cost of taking care of the monster plant varies.

In Kenya, the monster plant is commonly sold at the side of the road. You can also find it in paper bags already packed with the special soil. When packed, it goes for Sh1,000 and above depending on the size.

If interested in buying it, social media sites and online stores like Instagram, Facebook and websites like Jumia is your go to place.