Baringo Senator Gideon Moi shake hands with the Managing director of SWS Consulting Engineering  ,Claudio Serrini looking on are other  engineers from Italy at Kirandich water dam in Kabarnet, Baringo Central on February 24, 2015. They were in a pre-tender site visit ahead of phase two construction expected to cost sh1.8 Billion and end in the next two years.PHOTO:KIPSANG JOSEPH

Baringo, Kenya: The Italian government has released Sh1.8 billion loan to be used in financing Phase II of a water project commissioned by former President Daniel Moi in 2001.

The second phase, according to Baringo Senator Gideon Moi who was involved in the negotiations while he was still the Baringo Central MP, will include extension of pipelines to the unserviced areas of Kabarnet town, Kabasis, Kapsoo and Kituro.

“For the last 13 years, residents have been patiently waiting for the funds. We are very grateful that this has come to pass, since residents will be able to access enough water,” said Gideon during a tour of the facility.

He said the money was channelled through the National Treasury, and will soon be released for use.


Rift Valley Water Service Board Engineer Henry Cheruiyot said the second phase will include rehabilitation of Kirandich Dam’s control instruments, expansion of spillways, as well as construction of 15 check dams.

The engineer, who led the pre-tender site visit, said they will be receiving tenders for construction and supervision.

‘’The construction period is expected to start in June, and be concluded in the next two years,” said Mr Cheruiyot.

The Kirandich Water Supply Phase II is an extension of the first phase, which involved construction of the dam, water treatment plant, two pumping stations and related rising mains, two water tanks and distribution pipeline.

In the second phase, the project will be expanded to distribute water to a population of 65,000, as compared to the current 12,000.

The second project design includes the construction of a sewage system and waste management for Kabarnet town, which has about 30,000 inhabitants.


The treatment and pumping plant, situated near downstream of the dam, have the total annual volume of 1.1 million cubic meters, which is much smaller than the Kirandich water storage capacity.

Daily consumption is also expected to increase to 14,000 cubic metres from the decade-long 3,000 cubic metres after completion.

Gideon appreciated efforts played by President Uhuru Kenyatta in sourcing the funds from the Italian government.

“The maintenance of the existing water supply system is not optimal, however, the infrastructures are still operational, although some rehabilitation works are necessary,” said Cheruiyot.

Projects earmarked for completion this year include Kituro storage, Kaptarakwa tank site, Kaptarakwa booster station, Kabasis storage tank among others.