A section of Bungoma town. [File, Standard]

Kenya’s commitment to enhancing security at the Malaba border and improving the Bungoma-Malaba highway is a beacon of hope for national security and regional trade.

These efforts showcase a determination to fortify border security and spur economic growth in the region.

Securing the Malaba border is pivotal, given its strategic importance as a gateway to East Africa. The recent formation of a multi-agency security team, including the General Service Unit officers, Administration Police, and the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), has significantly bolstered security operations.

This collaborative approach has led to increased surveillance, intelligence sharing, and the apprehension of criminals involved in illicit activities.

For example, between June 2022 and the same period in 2023, our security officers at Suam, Malaba and Busia border points thwarted major crimes; 40 per cent of those cases involved forged documents.

About 15 per cent of crimes managed at these border points involved counterfeits and contraband, while 21 per cent involved seizure of drugs including heroin, cannabis and cocaine.

The expansion of the Malaba-Kanduyi highway into a dual carriageway symbolizes hope, progress, and a renewed commitment to a better future for residents of Bungoma.

For far too long, uncoordinated border management has led to stifling of the smooth flow of goods and people. Chronic traffic congestion and frequent accidents have been a source of frustration and hardship.

The multi-agency approach has been a game changer in addressing border challenges and threats. The State Department for Internal Security and other border related agencies have coalesced under the Border Control and Operations Coordination Committee (BCOCC) and are enhancing collaboration and leveraging on cooperation to strengthen the ability to curb cross border crime and enhance border security.

The approach seeks to institutionalize Integrated Border management as a long-term plan that will contribute to optimum utilization of resources among border agencies, information and intelligence sharing as well as enhanced targeting and interception of illicit goods and irregular migration.

The improved infrastructure and connectivity between the Port of Mombasa and the Interior regions up to Malaba will elevate Bungoma’s potential as an economic powerhouse, particularly in agriculture and industry.

Despite these commendable efforts, more can be done. The government’s focus on completing ongoing projects and investing in modern surveillance technologies will further enhance border security and promote economic growth. Kenya’s strides toward security and prosperity are not just about infrastructure and surveillance; they are about safeguarding livelihoods, fostering prosperity, and creating a safer, more prosperous future for all.

Among the major wins of these efforts includes closure of at least 200 illegal routes to and from Uganda, following deployment of police and GSU officers along a 57-km stretch on the Busia-Uganda border.

We are committed to ensuring our country is more secure and prosperous.

-Dr Raymond Omollo is the Principal Secretary, Interior and National Administration