The long-awaited title deeds are almost ready. [iStockphoto]

The long-awaited title deeds for members of the Kathekakai Farmers Co-Operative Society in Machakos County are almost ready, the society's chairman James Kimuli has disclosed.

Mr Kimuli, however, urged the members to wind up pending land disputes to ease the exercise. He was presiding over the annual general meeting of the society at the firm's offices near Machakos town. The meeting, which was also attended by the County Co-operative Commissioner David Nzomo, saw the re-election of the society's management for another three-year term.

The chairman was reacting to the members' demand as to when the documents would be out.

"Having stayed for over 50 years when we took over this farm from colonial settlers we are still without Title Deeds for our farms," said one of the members.

But Mr Kimuli blamed the previous management for the delay. He said they took over management of the society when everything was in shambles, but we're putting effort to ensure the documents are ready. Mr Nzomo told the members to abide by the Management's advice regarding the documents.

"The committee has been in office for a while and is trying their level best in liaison with my office to ensure you get the Title Deeds," said the commissioner.