Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka at Unoa Grounds in Wote during a past event. [Dennis Kavisu, Standard]

Barely three days after Azimio leaders Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka toured Machakos County, bad blood has emerged between Wiper and Chama Cha Uzalendo (CCU) candidates.

Leaders of the two political groups yesterday addressed separate Press briefing, attacking one another.

CCU Secretary General Philippe Saja accused Kalonzo of demeaning the Machakos CCU governorship candidate Nzioka Waita by urging him to step down in favour of the Wiper candidate Wavinya Ndeti.

"We saw it as Kalonzo publicly belittled our candidate before Raila and Machakos voters which was an abuse of Waita's right to vie," said Saja.

CCU Organising Secretary Davis Musau said Waita would not step down "come rain come sunshine."

But moments later, Wiper's supporters accused the CCU officials of disrespecting Kalonzo.

"Who are these people to dare our party leader?" posed Lower Eastern Wiper co-ordinator Dee Kivuva. He was accompanied by Machakos subcounty party's chairman Albanus Mutisya.

"We know and everybody knows that Waita's current home is in Makueni and there is no way he can rule us from outside Machakos. That's why our party leader asked him to give up his bid," said Kivuva.

Mutisya, however, said the Wiper party was not afraid of facing Waita at the ballot.

The two accused CCU supporters of causing chaos during Raila's tour which left some Wiper members injured.

"In any case, we don't fear him since we know Wiper candidate Wavinya Ndeti will trounce him," added Mutisya.