Belinda Akoth of GSU in action. [photo courtesy]

Handgun tourney dubbed SA IPSC sendoff trial match took place on Saturday at the Kirigiti shooting range in Kiambu county.

The International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) match brought together approximately 80 participants comprising of members of the disciplined forces and civilians.

The aim of the match which was sponsored by Solution East Africa was for team members to fine tune their skills in preparation for the much anticipated Level 3 handgun championships scheduled to take place in February in Limpopo South Africa.

“In February we are flying to South Africa for the Limpopo Level 3 Championships, which will be held in Polokwane [sic],’’ said GSU’s Belinda Akoth.

“Today’s tournament was just a pretrial match of the stages- we are supposed to shoot in South Africa, just to see where we are in terms of performance and preparedness,” she explained.

Belinda added that the participants in the Saturday match were mainly the Kenyan team members travelling to Limpopo and a support team of the rest of the usual shooters from the DFs and civilians.

Top shooters from the disciplined forces that will represent Kenya in Limpopo include Belinda Akoth (GSU), Peter Muli (GSU), Agnes Muchiri (ATPU), Irene Wanjiku (GSU) and Mike Kiptanui (ATPU) among others.

Several civilian shooters will be taking part in the tourney as well.

“I've seen a higher level of preparedness in the team and I'm optimistic about many wins, in South Africa,” concluded Belinda.


RESULT             NAME                                  POINTS

1             Ndungu, Ibrahim                               552.6207          

2             Pesa, Geoffrey                                  468.6149          

3             Ali, Haider                                            461.2842           

4             Onyango, Sammy                             458.3764          

5             Kiilu Thomas                                    435.1992              

6             Kabugi, Wilson                           430.3116          

7             Edo, Gerard                                     415.2066              

8             Chacha, Samuel                                 407.9446          

9             Vundi, Joshua                                  405.9056             

10          Kamunyi, Anthony                        394.7934             

11          Mutiso, Daniel                                 391.5298             

12          Omar, Mohammad                       391.0260             

13          Kiptanui, Mike                            389.2881         

14          Adan, Mohamed                            386.1812             

15          Wachira, Eric                                        382.3842         

16          Issa, Issa                                          380.1457

17          Omar, Mahir                                  379.1746

18          Syan, Sunny                                  366.8114

19          Kiveleeti, Peter                            349.2872           

20          Karanja, Tony                                342.9074

21          Kherdin, Farzan                                    332.1089       

22          KHERDIN, ARFAN                                        330.2090

23          Muchiri, Agnes                                 326.8534             

24          Ahmed, Mohamednoor                               324.9417            

25          Muthengi, Boniface                               322.8002    

26          Akoth Belinda, Amuom                319.0892            

27          Annous, Ibrahim                                         317.4641

28          Channa, Satnam                                          301.3966

29          Amos, Mathenge                                        298.3083

30          Chengo, Martin                                           279.7110

31          Shah, Dhruv                                              279.4967    

32          narumbe, John                                     276.3389        

33          Njoroge, Peter                                    268.9893         

34          Wahome, Jonathan                              267.6048            

35          rono, moses                                         252.9520         

36          Lumbasi, Judith                           252.8667 

37          Dennis, Meme                                     252.4300     

38          Odindo, Peter                                             249.5482 

39          Ajiambo Brenda                                         249.3834 

40          Wanjiku, Irene                                         240.1745    

41          Nyaga, Joyemily                                          235.7667

42          Kibutiri, Robert                                230.1982            

43          Rehal, Tanveer                                 225.8443

44          Mwihia, Paul                                                 222.5531

45          kibara, stephen                                               221.1193            

46          Lelesiit, Peter                                               217.4193

47          Wachianga, Elizabeth                                 214.3023

48          Makau, Patrick                                  211.8521           

49          Muhiu, Dennis                              211.4423

50          Osura Alvince                                           210.6992    

51          Mwangi, Gikonyo                                       201.1807

52          Kipkirui, Ronoh                                194.1514            

53          Omar, Mukhtar                                186.2329            

54          mercy, Ngaira                                               184.3637

55          Bonaya, Nune                                              171.9167

56          Matoi, Josephine                                        165.1529

57          Wanjiku, Grace                                140.4086            

58          Aziz, Mark                                                      131.4656

59          Gacheru, Douglas                                       123.9749

60          Arono, Julieta                                               122.5395

61          Rehal, Narinder                                               121.8982            

62          Athman, Shabram                                      114.9393

63          Omondi, Pascal                                114.1236            

64          Mulonzi, Dennis                                         108.8550 

65          Gladys, Medoo                                108.2915            

66          Ndung'u, Danson                                        106.6404

67          Ntipanoi, Rose                                              92.7145  

68          Awuor, Mercelene                                      89.6647  

69          Githaiga, joel                                                 86.8389  

70          Machanja, Faith                                               74.7570

71          Mbatha, Justine                                              74.3954

72          Musyoka, Teresia Kathikwa                    46.2456   

73          Kabukuru, Robert                                           38.2320

74          Birik, Dhunia                                                      34.2423