Wiper Democratic Movement Leader Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka and Makueni Governor Kibutha Kibwana during the party consultative meeting at Stony Athi on February 22, 2018 [Dennis Kavisu, standard]

Differences between former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana have escalated over alleged failure by the county boss to pay the party subscription fee.

In a letter dated July 23, 2021, the Wiper party disciplinary committee, through its chairman Geoffrey Sore, declared that due to Kibwana’s past failures to appear before it, they would within 14 days recommend his expulsion from the party.

“It is the disciplinary committee's understanding and finding that you’re not willing to submit to a hearing of the committee.

"Subsequently, the committee shall within 14 days hereof, make a recommendation on your expulsion from the party based on your conduct and correspondence between yourself and the party over this matter,” the letter reads in part.

The committee had given the governor up to today (July 29) to either make his written responses and submissions or appear in person tomorrow at the party headquarters.

The Standard has established that Kibwana had not made any submissions and was not ready to appear before the party as guided and dared the party to go ahead with its decision to eject him.

“If Mr Musyoka feels that I am no longer useful in the party let him go ahead and expel me,” said Kibwana

Kibwana said the party’s accusation that he supported a different candidate during the Kithuki/Kitise mini-poll in March, is insubstantial because Wiper and his former Muungano party had agreed to support the two candidates.