Former Sports CS Rashid Echesa confronts IEBC official at Bulonga Primary School polling station in Matungu. [Benjamin Sakwa, Standard]

Police in Kakamega have arrested former Sports Cabinet Secretary Rashid Echesa.

Western Regional Police Commander Peris Kimani said police managed to successfully track Echesa via his phone within Mumias town just some minutes to 6.00 pm.

This is after he defied an earlier directive by the Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai to surrender by 1.00 pm Friday. 

The former CS was to be grilled over an incident where he was captured on camera assaulting an IEBC official in Matungu constituency during the just-concluded parliamentary by-election.

"We waited for him to make an appearance but he didn't, prompting us to track his phone to the location he was hiding. Once we are done with investigations, we shall charge him in a court of law,” the police boss said.

Ms Kimani however declined to reveal the location the suspect is being held.

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati was the first to demand Echesa's immediate arrest for the misconduct, as several other Kenyans joined in.