The fate of 15 Members of County Assemblies from West Pokot and Baringo facing disciplinary action by Kanu is now in the hands of the party’s National Executive Council.

The ward representatives are accused of supporting leadership changes at the respective counties and not remitting to the party the monthly contribution of Sh5,000 as stipulated in the nomination rules.

Former nominated Senator Zipporah Kittony, the party’s disciplinary committee chair, said her committee has finished interrogating the 15 MCAs, noting most of them were remorseful and had apologised.

The MCAs from Baringo are accused of failure to adhere to the party’s loyalty pledge and code of conduct by participating in the impeachment of Deputy Speaker Ameja Zelemoi against the party’s position.

Those of West Pokot face accusations of participating in the removal of Majority Leader Thomas Ngolesia and Majority Chief Whip Emmanuel Polokou.

The committee said some MCAs from West Pokot County had ignored the summonses.

“We held a two-day sitting to question the MCAs,” said Mrs Kittony.

The former senator defended her committee against accusations that it lacked quorum and the sittings should have been held at the party headquarters in Nairobi.

“This is a legitimate committee. We have followed the party constitution and we decided to hold the sittings in Kitale because of its proximity to Baringo and West Pokot counties,’’ she said.

Meanwhile, the County Assembly of West Pokot was on Thursday forced to adjourn its sittings after only five members turned up for the sitting after a one-month recess.

Assembly Speaker Catherine Mukenyang was forced to adjourn the assembly until June 16 due to lack of quorum.

Majority Leader Thomas Ngolesia was the only member from Kanu, the majority party, who attended the session.

The Speaker had planned for only 11 members to attend the sitting in a bid to adhere to the Government Covid-19 regulations.