Wash day isn't an extreme sport if you have a consistent routine and have figured what products and practices work best for your hair.

I know sometimes wash day feels like, "nah, not today" and it's okay but you ought to snap out of it some time and give that mane some TLC. Let's get down on tips to get you wash day smooth, easy and a little fun.

Assemble your wash day essentials

By essentials I mean tools and products for your wash day. Always have your products prior to you wash day to avoid the shopping rush and procrastinating about wash day. If I were to wake up and find I have run out of products, I will just get deflated and postpone wash day.

Work with sectioned hair

Always section your hair, it's much easier to work with. Section before prepoo or you can section while prepooing. As I said, find what works best for your hair. The number of sections depend on your hair volume, you can have 2-4 sections and hold the sections with hair clips.

Begin with prepoo

If you experience dry hair or your hair feels stripped off it's natural oils, it's only right that you prepoo with your oil of choice(castor, coconut, olive, jojoba, tea tree oils). Prepoo restores moisture, softens your hair, makes your detangling process easier and reduces the stripping effect of shampoo. If you  are in the "no way am using my oil on dirty hair" squad, then use an instant conditioner to prepoo. Make sure the conditioner has a good slip for detangling and it's a moisturizing conditioner.


NEVER wash your hair without letting go of the tangles, knots and the shed hair. To detangle, use a conditioner or detangler with a good slip, detangle with your fingers or a detangling brush. I love using my fingers cause i love how my hair feels and i tend to give it a massage while detangling. Detangle again after shampooing using a instant conditioner, this step helps in restoring moisture after shampooing and getting rid of some tangles that happen when washing your hair.

Deep condition

Deep condition on every wash day, that can be weekly or after two weeks depending on your regimen. Deep conditioners restore moisture and also repair your hair. Apply deep conditioner from the ends to the tip since the ends are the oldest hair and are more prone to dryness, tangles and breakage. Use a thermal cap or a shower cap and wrap a towel on it for the conditioner to penetrate your strands.

Air dry

Air dry your hair if you can or use minimal heat to avoid heat damage. You can also braid your hair and let it dry. I usually wear four braids after rinsing off the conditioner and let my hair dry on its own pace.

There you have it mane embracers, these tips will ease your wash day sport.