CS Peter Munya with Governor Jackson Mandago at the Agricultural and Food Authority exhibition stand at the Eldoret show. [PETER OCHIENG, Standard]

President Uhuru Kenyatta has underscored his government's strategy to transform the agricultural sector in a move aimed at growing the economy and reducing the cost of foodstuffs.

The transformation strategy with an estimated potential to improve lives of 15 million Kenyans is also meant to alleviate poverty among the population and deliver 100 percent food and nutrition security.

In a speech read on his behalf by Agriculture CS Peter Munya yesterday, while officially opening the Eldoret ASK show, President Kenyatta said the policy direction towards agricultural transformation is underscored by key policy initiatives that have been put in place to invigorate the sector.

“Kenya’s Vision 2030, the Medium Term Plan III, the President’s Big Four priority agenda for 2017-2022 and the 10-year Agricultural Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy (ASTGS 2019-2029) prioritises the need to improve our farmers and local community incomes, lower the cost of food, and increase employment,” he said.

As Munya read the speech in Eldoret, the President was undertaking an impromptu inspection of the Kenya Railways line and the Chaka Market in Nyeri as part of his grand plans for area farmers and traders.

Accompanied by Chief of Defence Forces General Samson Mwathethe, he landed at Nyaribo Airstrip, and then went to the Chaka town and addressed traders.

"I came to see for myself how far the construction of the market and the rehabilitation of the market and the work the NYS youth are doing. This railway will facilitate your travel and transport your goods," he said.

He also went to Nanyuki town where he said the revival of the 174-kilometre rail would lower the prices of fuel as oil products will be the anchor cargo the train will move.

"I can help people to be empowered economically. You will be able to enjoy cheaper passenger and freight services after revival of the line," Uhuru said.