A man hacked his wife to death, buried her body at their home in Kishaunet village, West Pokot County, before fleeing.

The incident happened on Saturday night.

The 22-year-old suspect reportedly killed his wife elsewhere and buried the body in a banana plantation at their home.

He also assaulted a man he suspected had been having an affair with his wife.

Area chief Edward Kakomoi said the incident happened after a drinking spree in the village.

“We found out the woman left a drinking den with her husband and the assaulted man. On their way home, the 22-year-old man went berserk and attacked the two, killing the wife and leaving the man unconscious. He carried the body of his wife home,” he said.

Mr Kakomoi said a village elder reported yesterday morning that they had found a man lying unconscious near Kishaunet slaughterhouse.

The man, identified as Kapkomer Dakany, was found in a coma, with multiple injuries on the head.

Local residents and the chief visited the home of the suspect where they found a fresh grave.

The chief said the couple had a domestic feud and the woman decided to go to her parents’ home.

“She had just returned to check on her husband during Christmas season and was killed,” said Kakomoi.

West Pokot County Police Commander Jackson Tumwet said the police have launched a manhunt for the suspect.

“The suspect is well known and immediately he is found, we will arrest him to face charges of assault and murder,” he said.