Enumerators who were engaged in the just concluded census in Tharaka Nithi and Meru Counties are requesting government to exempt them from paying tax from their earnings.

Speaking to the Standard, the enumerators who are mostly young people in colleges and unemployed graduates said the earning was so meager compared to the task they undertook, and therefore it would be prudent for government to give them the favour.

Harrison Muthamia from Kathatene in Meru County, while Speaking to the Standard on phone said they never expected the job to be so demanding and have numerous risks.

“It was very risky in some instances and one had to use his own wisdom to escape possible attacks from rude and adamant respondents. Some were literally attacked and we are humbly requesting the Jubilee government to be lenient on us,” said Mr Muthamia.

He added that the Uhuru Kenyatta-led Jubilee government had promised to create jobs for the youths and should therefore consider their request so they can even be empowered to start up small businesses.

“We are not opposed to paying taxes but we are requesting to be exempted in this one and we shall pay out of our business ventures in future,” Mr Muthamia said.

Irene Karegi from Chogoria in Tharaka Nithi said she would be using the earnings to pay her college fees and would only need to be exempted from the taxation.

“The almost Sh4, 000 subtracted as tax is a lot of money that can go a long way in paying for my school fees and we hope our prayers will be considered,” said Ms Karegi.

She added that the census job was coming up after ten years and this should be a reason to be considered in payment of tax.

At the same time the young people called on the national and the county governments to set aside jobs for young people in parastatals and other government entities considering many were unemployed.

“This can be seen by the large number of youths that turned up for the census job. After the exercise many will go back to their hustling life and this is the reason we want some slots set aside for us and not the old people only,” said Mr Gerald Kinyua from Tharaka Nithi County.
