Deputy President William Ruto (second left) at ACK Kariki Church in Chinga, Nyeri County, yesterday. [Mose Sammy, Standard]

Deputy President William Ruto yesterday took a swipe at former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for allegedly interfering with affairs of the ruling Jubilee Party.

In an apparent reference to the handshake deal between Mr Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta, the DP claimed that outsiders were hell-bent on destroying the party, and cautioned Jubilee members against listening to them.

“Those bringing us problems are in other parties. We have our own Jubilee Party. Those others should organise themselves. These issues being heard around the country are from foreigners who are outside of Jubilee, don’t listen to them. No amount of noise or distractions will disrupt our development agenda,” said the DP.

He called those interfering with Jubilee affairs ‘expert noisemakers’.

“The noise being made now is unnecessary...these are expert noisemakers. But the history of Jubilee is clear. It is premised on development,” the DP said.

He was speaking at Kariko ACK Church in Othaya and Narumoru Township AIPCA church during a funds drive.

He had earlier delivered the same message at Kangaita Catholic Church within Kirinyaga Central.

He said despite the ongoing mumbling and political intrigues, the Jubilee administration is still focused on ensuring all pre-election pledges were implemented.

“What we promised on our election manifesto is what will propel us towards our 2022 destination as pledged to the electorate,” he said.

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga dismissed a statement by Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru that Mt. Kenya region is ready to embrace the ODM leader.

“The only people with mandate to speak for people in Mt. Kenya and specifically Nyeri County are their elected leaders and as Nyeri residents, we will not welcome leaders who have been rejected,” said the governor. 

At the same time the deputy president took a swipe on those who criticise him for his generous donations to the church.

Donations bill

“Those trying to sneak a Bill to Parliament which seeks to limit the amount of donations one can contribute to the church are on a collision course with God and are calling for their own downfall,” he said.

Added Ruto: “These people are unknowingly interfering with what the Bible says by seeking to limit the amount one should offer yet all that we own is God given and the more you give the more you receive.

The deputy president said the purpose emphasizing on technical training for the Youths was meant to build over the years a formidable skilled workforce   that will take the country to the next level as it gwars up to improving the living standards of the people.

The DP was accompanied by several MPs from Mt Kenya region, Nairobi, Machakos and the Rift Valley among them Kikuyu lawmaker Kimani Ichung’wa. Several MCAs, both elected and nominated, also attended the event.