Cindy Kemunto had no idea what career path to explore after she completed high school. But that was until she took up an art project and found her ‘aha’ moment.

Cynthia was a natural and could draw any picture she set her eyes on. And when she got her first business order to draw a friend for Sh1,000, she realised she could actually pursue art as a business.

But a hurdle stood in her way. Her parents wanted her to pursue procurement as a course because she’d have numerous employment opportunities.

Months into the course, though, she decided to quit as it was not in line with her passion, and decided to pursue interior design, which was better aligned to her interest in art.

She’s now juggling her art business, which is thriving as a result of her unique offerings, and school.

The Business Coach got Cynthia in touch with Eliamin Ali, the founder of Eliamin Ink, which specialises in a diverse set of art services, to advise on her business.

1. Diversify for profitability

To maximise on profitability, don’t specialise; rather, be diverse to leverage on the extensive market. Diversity enables you to cushion the business from seasons of low demand.

2. Price your work according to experience and skill

In the art business, there’s nothing like set pricing. The price of artwork is determined by the experience and expertise of the artist. As the artist grows in skills and expertise, so should his or her pricing.

3. Your clients are your best marketers

A business thrives on its clientele, and the best form of marketing is through the customers served. It’s important for a business to ensure that it delivers the best output so word about its results spreads. Build a reputation that you can leverage on.

4. Invest in your business

A business is only as successful as how much has been invested in it. And this is not exclusively about money. In the art business, invest in attending and participating in galleries and at exhibitions, which position you to reach potential clients. This not only increases your chances of making a sale, but also helps position your brand.

The Business Coach airs on KTN Home every Monday at 7.30pm. You can catch up on past episodes on YouTube.