Kenya Association of Technical Training Institution delegates chat on the last day of their workshop in Kisumu on June 06,20I9. The members composed of principles and their deputies have been in Kisumu for three days. [Denish Ochieng/Standard]

A four-day workshop for managers of technical colleges ended yesterday.

The training was designed to induct new and serving principals, their deputies and registrars of Technical and Vocational Training and Education (TVET) colleges on efficient and effective management ahead of massive expansion of the institutions. 

The training by Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) and Kenya Association of Technical Training Colleges (KATTI) focused on the legal framework surrounding procurement and auditing as well as human resource management.

According to KATTI chairperson Glory Mutungi, the workshop's chief aim was preparing the administrators to better manage the increased resources coming into the TVETs following fresh Government commitment to grow them.

The government plans to inject Sh173 billion in TVET in the next five years.

Following the training, the KATTI expects the number of summons of technical college managers by audit committees over project and financial management queries to drop.

“Some of our colleagues have even been summoned before parliamentary committees to answer questions which they could have avoided by just having records in order and presenting documents correctly," said Ms Mutungi.

During the conference, the association appealed to the government to allocate more cash for TEVET in next month's budget.

“We are pleading with the Government to seriously reconsider our budget so that the learners are not discouraged after enrolling,” said Mutungi.

Colleges heads said previous low enrollment had resulted from cost inhibitions and that the government's pledge to make TVET free by offering subsidies had revived interest in technical skills.

“The Government responded with a Sh30,000 per student capitation and changed the narrative. We are, therefore, praying that they will not change since this number will continue to rise next year and so we hope for increased funding for expansion and operation,” said one of the principals at the conference.

TVET director Meshack Opwora reiterated the Government's commitment to supporting the colleges.