A court in Chuka has ordered nine suspects in the murder of Kamaindi location Chief Japhet Majau Mukengu to undergo mental assessment.

The suspects are expected to take plea on May 23, 2019.

Gerald Njeru Kibau, Julius Mburu Kinanga, Leah Muthoni Ngige, Cecilia Kambura, Julius Njeru, Jediel Munyua, Jornard Njagi Kibiube, John Nthiga and Tom Kinyua have been in police custody as investigations into the killing continue.

Chief Magistrate John Njoroge said the matter will proceed at the High Court before Judge Robert Limo.

The nine are being held following the killing of the chief on April 30, 2019 at his brother's home.

Chuka Police Station Commander Joseph Kinyua and a police informer were also killed while pursuing another suspect in Ugweri in the neighboring Embu County.

The chief is expected to be buried today in Kamaindi.