Defaulting on loans will not be the only reason that will make you be listed under Credit Reference Bearue (CRB).
A welfare association of landlords and tenants has proposed to list rent defaulters under CRB after being accredited by the Central Bank of Kenya.
Urban Landlords and Tenants Association (ULTAK) now wantall tenants falling under their association to seek CRB clearance before moving houses.
ULTAK secretary general Ephraim Murigo said the move is geared towards taming rising cases of rent defaulters.
It is also expected to curb insecurity by ensuring that details of those renting houses are kept by the previous landlord and the association.
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“We handle more than 100 cases of rent disputes and this will be the only way to minimise them and ensure both the landlord and the tenant live harmoniously. It will also help in keeping details of tenants moving in to our houses and fostering security,” said Mr Murigo.
He added that the country would be more secure if every landlord registers details of their tenants and reason for moving into a new house.
Legal proceedings
Murigo however faulted landlords for not striving to know their tenants. He regretted that most landlords have left management of houses to agents.
The association is planning a national conference for landlords to chat the way forward.
“Landlords do not want to be known by tenants because when they do crazy things like removing the roof or door, and they can still hide. We promise to institute legal proceedings against such landlords and make sure they are brought to book,” he said.
He called on the government to involve landlords in the “nyumba kumi” initiative to boost security.