Our school system and our upbringing might have conditioned us to have someone else make decisions and tell us what to do. Therefore, many people venture into business with this same employee mentality. Here's how to change that employee mentality into an entrepreneur mentality.

Feed your mind right

Watch videos on entrepreneurship on YouTube and follow relevant pages on Facebook and other social networks. Subscribe to newsletters by successful entrepreneurs. The Internet is full of useful information so make it a habit to ask Google or YouTube whenever you are faced with a challenge.

Invest in books by successful entrepreneurs such as Antony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, Randy Gage, and Jim Rohn. Devote a minimum of 30 minutes every single day to reading.

Changing the mindset that has been a part of you all your life is not an easy task. You have to be deliberate about it. Change your circles. Identify business communities that you can join and forums you can attend so that you get to mingle in the right circles.

Be creative

As an entrepreneur, there will be no one to give you assignments and ensure that you complete them. You will even decide when you are tired and want to take a break or holiday. That might sound great but you are responsible for everything including bringing in clients and making the business profitable.

Develop great time management skills and practice thinking in terms of exploring possible solutions to challenges rather than rushing to seek the opinion of someone else who is more knowledgeable than you.

Exercise your creativity. Look at life’s challenges with an attitude of ‘what could be done to make it better? Where can such information be found? Who can be helpful in sorting out this situation?’ Do your research before asking for help.

Be Curious 

Develop a curious mind. Always be curious to know what is happening in the industry and in the business environment as a whole. Be observant. Evaluate what others are doing and be proactive in educating yourself about your field. Read the business pages of local newspapers and watch business news on TV.

Invest in yourself

Identify skills you will need as you build your business and invest in acquiring them. Learning is a lifelong process so never stop learning. Invest in short courses from time to time and get yourself mentors and coaches. Your self-confidence coupled with the ability to process issues and solve problems will make or break your business.

You might fear to spend money as you build your business but investing in the acquisition of knowledge will pay you back big time. Learning from others who have walked the path before you will help you avoid costly mistakes.