An elderly couple was on Saturday found dead at their home in Maraba village, Sarambei, Total.

Molo police boss Bernard Kioko said the couple's son had gone to visit his parents on Saturday morning, only to find doors to their main house wide open. Inside, his parents lay dead.

He reported the matter to the police.

"He said he looked through the door of the main bedroom and saw his mother, Anne Muthoni, 60, lying in a pool of blood on her bed, while the body of his father, Wilfred Kimatu, 70, was on the floor," said Mr Kioko.

Gained entry

Police said the killers must have gained entry to the couple’s house after cutting metal grills on a window.

The killers did not steal any valuables.

Kioko said police were yet to establish the motive of the killings, but had intensified search for suspects.

Area assistant chief Joseph Sarambei said it was sad to lose the two who he described as kind and generous.

Residents and relatives gathered at the home of the couple as news of the killing spread. 

According to Mr Sarambei, Kimatu was known for offering jobs at his farm to local youths.

“He assisted our people and would even employ up to a hundred youth to work in his farm,” said Sarambei.

Sarambei said the old farmer had no known differences with fellow villagers and that the killings remained a puzzle.