I love to hate Mondays. It is the only day that is an anagram for single word 'dynamo'. That day when you are supposed to wake up early in the morning and report to work on time. Maybe you did not finish that task that your boss had assigned you, he faces you with a dull glare with a connotation "You are Fired".

1. It is better to buy a new car on Monday. Weekends are busy for salespersons and are less likely to give you attention as is the case on weekdays.

2. You look less attractive on Mondays. One study showed that many Americans felt less attractive on Mondays

3. Almost 50% of employees are late to work on Mondays.

4. Monday is also known as "Heart attack day" or ''suicide day'', why? Most people are said to take their lives on this day.

5. In 2012 and 2018, there were 53 Mondays throughout the year.

These are some of the amazing facts about Mondays.