MCAs file motion seeking to have armed guards

Members of the West Pokot County Assembly have filed a motion seeking to have armed security.

They claimed the recent abduction of Silale Ward representative Nelson Lotela prompted them to press for armed body guards, especially for those in conflict-prone areas.

The MCAs condemned 'repeated abductions' in Baringo County, and suggested that they each be givens firearms.

They cited last year's mysterious killings of Churo MCA Minito Thomas, politician Pepee Kitambaa and Loyamorok MCA Kibet Cheretei, adding that cases of MCAs being targeted by criminals were on the rise.

The MCAs tabled the Motion in West Pokot County assembly.

During a Press briefing outside the assembly yesterday, the leaders urged the Government to carry out forensic investigations into the recent abduction. They accused security agencies of sleeping on the job.

“We have presented the motion in the assembly to be taken to security agencies and national government. We are puzzled about the recent happenings,” said Elijah Kaseuseu, a nominated MCA, who moved the Motion.

Work or resign

Mr Kaseuseu added: “If Interior CS Fred Matiang'i and Inspector General Joseph Boinnet are unable to do their job, they should resign. The Government has not said anything yet, as Pokot leaders are being abducted and tortured. Our lives are in danger".

Nominated MCA Josephine Cheprum said every detail should be investigated to unravel the abductors and killers of the leaders. “The Government should address the matter urgently. The abductors must be brought to book,” said Cheprum, adding: “We are living in fear as women because of the insecurity. If men can be abducted, what about women?