[Photo: Courtesy]

A man wanted by the police for attempted extortion has submitted a personal letter and documents on alleged conspiracy by senior Government officials and a city tycoon to process compensation for land.

The man who has been in hiding after the Directorate of Criminal Investigations obtained a warrant for his arrest, alleges that some police officers have been trailing him for the last one and half months. 

In the letter date April 9 to Joint Speakers of the National Assembly and Senate, Meshack Onyango Dehay seeks police protection amidst claims that his life and that of his family are in danger.

He alleges to have evidence on Sh3.2 billion Ruaraka land compensation payments.

Tycoon Francis Mburu last week appeared before Parliament for questioning over the transactions, but Dehay is yet to appear.

Dehay, whose picture was recently published in a local daily by police for attempted extortion, has copied the letter to the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC), the Attorney General, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, the Solicitor General and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, asking for investigations into the matter.

He claims that the two schools compensated for the land were given to the Government in 1984 as compulsory 10 per cent surrender on sub division of the 96 acres as required by the law, when a development plan for 600 houses was submitted for approval at the Nairobi City Council.

The man petitioned the Parliament to investigate the matter.